


Rialto Grocery (interior), 324 South 9th St.

L-R: Fumi Butsuda, unknown friend, and Emi Butsuda, daughters of store operators Katsuki and Kiyo Butsuda.

(Photo courtesy of descendant Lynette Butsuda. Used with permission,)

Rialto Grocery (exterior), 324 South 9th St., 1941.

(Photo courtesy of descendant Lynette Butsuda. Used with permission.)

Black-and white photo of a group of Japanese people in front of a wooden hotel, with names handwritten over some of the individuals.

Superior Hotel, 1701 Market Street, ca.1934.

(Photo and handwritten identifications courtesy of descendant who prefers to remain anonymous. Used with permission.)

Black-and-white photo of a group of Japanese people in suits in front of a wooden hotel with windows.

Superior Hotel, 1701 Market Street, ca.1934.

(Photo courtesy of anonymous descendant. Used with permission.)

“Umanojo “Joe” Tomita was the owner of the Superior Hotel that was located at 1701 Market Street. Attached is a photo from circa 1934. This is based on the age of the little girl at the bottom left. This is my mother, Junko “June” Tomita, sitting on my grandfather’s lap. She looks like she’s around 4 years old. She was born in 1930.”

Union Station, 1717 Pacific Avenue, May 14, 1942.

(Photo from Northwest Room at The Tacoma Public Library, (5277))

This image of an unknown girl was taken May 14th, 1942 at Tacoma’s Union Station as her family boarded a train to the Pinedale Assemby Center in California following the signing of Executive Order 9066.

1904 South Jefferson

“My Aunt Mary Todo (Nagai), late 1920s – early 30s. We believe we have identified the building behind her as 1904 South Jefferson, in Tacoma. Most currently the [former] Swiss Restaurant and Pub.”(Courtesy of descendant Stan Takemoto.)

St Paul and Tacoma

St. Paul Ave #10, Tacoma

St. Paul Ave #10, Tacoma, 1930. Left-right: Emi, Fumi, Yosh, Chiyo and Chet Butsuda. Horizontal lumber yard log chute is in the backyard. (Courtesy of descendant Lynette Butsuda.)

St. Paul Ave. #1

Back of Butsuda residence (St. Paul Ave. #1) with garden, 1939. (Courtesy of descendant Lynette Butsuda.)
Black-and white photo of a group of Japanese people in front of a wooden hotel, with names handwritten over some of the individuals.

Interior of Butsuda residence (St. Paul Ave. #1)

bedroom of Yosh (later Clinton) Butsuda, 1940. “Movie star photos on dresser. He wrote his favorites were Margaret Sullvan and Ronald Coleman.” (Courtesy of descendant Lynette Butsuda.)

St. Paul Ave #1

Emi Butsuda

(Photo courtesy of descendant Lynette Butsuda. Used with permission.)


Black-and-white photo of a group of Japanese people in suits in front of a wooden hotel with windows.

“We Choose the AMERICAN Way and Join With AMERICANS Everywhere in Saying ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS'”

(This newspaper clipping can be accessed on

This advertisement was printed in the December 26, 1941 edition of the Tacoma News Tribune and was purchased by the Japanese American Citizens League.


“The Spirit of ’42 Let’s All Be GOOD AMERICANS”

(This newspaper clipping can be accessed on

This advertisement was printed in the December 13, 1941 edition of the Tacoma News Tribune and was purchased by the Japanese American Citizens League. The ad describes the American patriotism that Japanese Tacomans feel. The ad includes a long list of Japanese stores, restaurants, and hotels that readers should patronize. 

“Our Country Is America… The Land of Freedom and Opportunity”

(This newspaper clipping can be accessed on

This advertisement was printed in the December 16, 1941 edition of the Tacoma News Tribune and was purchased by the Japanese American Citizens League. 
