Tacoma Japantown


Other Japantowns

Street scene of Peace Plaza, Japantown, San Francisco.


Though only a few districts remain today, prewar Japantowns were widespread across the West Coast, and have been documented to different degrees. Although this list is not exhaustive, here are a few resources for comparison.

California Japantowns

With links to the 3 still-existing Japantowns (San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles) in California, this website also showcases the first statewide survey of prewar historic Japantowns.

The Lost Kinjo: Disappearing Japanese Neighborhoods

Portland, Oregon

“Walking Through the Past”: Published in 2023, this story map shows important locations and highlights from Portland’s historic Japantown. Read more about this story map here.

Bainbridge Island, WA

The Yama Project, Olympic College. Japanese millworkers founded the Yama and Nagaya settlements on Bainbridge Island. Faculty and students at Olympic College worked on the Yama Project to document this settlement.

Seattle, WA 

Japanese American Remembrance Trail 

Spokane, WA

Japanese Alley”, documented in brief at HistoryLink

Photo credit: Peace Plaza, Japantown, San Francisco, California” by Ken Lund is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


